Report on recycling and resource recovery infrastructure


May 15, 2020

Report on recycling and resource recovery infrastructure

Infrastructure Victoria has published the final advice to government on recycling and resource recovery infrastructure in Victoria. The advice includes 13 recommendations (listed below) that were developed in consultation with government and stakeholders and focuses on six priority materials including plastics, paper and cardboard, glass, organics, tyres and e-waste.​ Background to the report can be found here while the button below downloads the paper directly. Here is the ABC news story on the report.

  1. Improve infrastructure capacity and capability for recovering and reprocessing priority materials
  2. Increase the diversion of organic waste from landfills
  3. Provide clarity to the waste-to-energy sector and establish regulatory settings to achieve desired waste-to-energy outcomes
  4. Review funding mechanisms to increase infrastructure and capability
  5. Provide ongoing statewide and locally tailored behaviour change programs
  6. Reduce contamination in material streams
  7. Introduce waste minimisation initiatives
  8. Remove barriers and strengthen markets for priority materials
  9. Ensure that producers and consumers involved in making and using products share the responsibility for their fate
  10. Provide greater clarity of riles and responsibilities for Victorian Government bodies involved in recycling and resource recovery
  11. Improve the quality and use of data to support resource recovery
  12. Use targets to drive performance
  13. Strengthen the status of, and processes around, Victoria’s Recycling Infrastructure Plan



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