Water: A Foundational Resource for a Circular Economy


Aug 1, 2024

Day two of Connected by Water 2024 featured a call to action on the importance of water as a resource in building a successful circular economy.

By 2030, global demand for freshwater will exceed viable resources by 40%, if we continue with business as usual. “The circular economy is the only viable economic framework to grow jobs and industry in a resource and carbon constrained future.” – Lisa McLean


Building a circular water smart society
All available water sources must be included to create a true circular water-smart society and, in addition, we need to consider these crucial 6 aspects:

  1. Discourage and ban use of drinking water for non-potable purposes e.g. construction/renovation;
  2. Encourage and mandate alternate circular water sources through regulation and building codes;
  3. Replace with smart, efficient and safe circular water sources for non-potable (e.g. gardens, green roofs, walls);
  4. Accelerate the implementation of globally accepted standards for safe circular water use
  5. Safeguard public health and make water reuse available at a lower cost than drinking water by applying fit-for-purpose water quality criteria
  6. Encourage public-private collaboration among water sector stakeholders to play a leading role in the transformation to a circular economy

To lead Australia’s circular economy transition, the water sector must be included in high-level circular economy strategic discussions.

We need to identify the role of water in the circular economy. Without water, there is no opportunity.


Read the full article here.


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